Click here or text/call (253) 377-9196 to schedule a photo shoot.
Real estate listing photos and video
My name is Aaron Pedersen. I am a full-time, licensed and insured real estate photographer and videographer in Tacoma, WA. I specialize in listing photos and videos of residential properties in the South Puget Sound area. Standard listing packages are $194 and typically include 50-70 finished photos.
Why so many photos? The MLS currently allows 40 photos per listing; my goal is to provide you with more than you need so that you can choose “the best 40” based on your expertise of the home’s neighborhood and selling points.
Aerial/drone photos and video
I’m an FAA certified drone pilot able to provide aerial photos and video of your property that enhance your overall marketing package. Drone services can be added for $99.
Matterport 3D Virtual tours
We are now offering virtual tours with the Matterport camera. The entire house is scanned and converted into a digital 3D model, sometimes referred to as the dollhouse view. Prospective buyers can “walk through” virtually to get a clear idea of the property. In this modern era, buyers are spending less time physically viewing properties in real life. A high quality virtual tour gives interested buyers more information about a property so that they have a better idea of the layout before visiting in person. The Matterport camera can also provide accurate measurements of rooms which may be helpful when working with contractors or figuring out how furniture might fit in a space.
Aaron is the only photographer I trust enough to photograph the homes I list. Creative, attentive, and reliable are words I’d use to describe him. He’s my ‘Go-To Guy’ when it comes to photography.” -S.S.Real estate media pricing
Standard real estate listing, up to 3000 sq ft: $199
(Larger than 3000 sq ft, add $50 per 1,000 sq ft)
Real estate video, approximately 2 minutes: $249
Aerial/drone photo & video add-on: $99
3D Matterport virtual tour: $0.10/sq ft